All About Youth


      Above is a list of clubs and groups along with links to their websites and Facebook pages where applicable (please note that some clubs are not currently affiliated to SYA).


      SYA provides access to vital support and resources to around 100 youth clubs and groups throughout Shropshire.


      We offer the following 3 levels of support:


      • Infrastructure support to voluntary youth clubs

      This service is funded in a number of ways by SYA and offered to clubs for free

      • Help with all paperwork, from constitutions, policies & procedures to session plans templates
      • Safeguarding checks for volunteers (There is a cost for paid staff as DBS charge us for this)
      • Training – Free safeguarding and Youth work training to level 2 & 3 and  access to low-cost training like First Aid and food Hygiene.
      • Help setting up, recruiting volunteers and training them
      • Access to our extensive stores (Some small charges apply for consumables)
      • support with identifying and bidding for funds


      • Partnered clubs

      For a full year 2024/25 would cost £4,750.00 + VAT *

      • We supply a qualified, experienced youth worker during term time for 1 night a week youth club with 1.5 hours of delivery to young people + setting up, tidying up and evaluation time
      • + 3-day long holiday trips/activities (usually 6 half days)
      • The partner supplies at least 2 volunteers per session to support our worker, a venue, budget (often generated through subs and fundraising) and supporting marketing (SYA will help produce this for dissemination)
      • We will train and support the volunteers
      • We are happy to negotiate how this works, some places want our workers to carry on forever, others want us to get their volunteers ready to take over in a fixed time.


      • Fully staffed youth club or Detached Youth Work

      For a full year 2023/24 would cost £8500.00 + VAT (2 workers) or £10500.00 + VAT for 3 workers

      • Everything in 1. above +
      • We will put in a trained qualified and experienced staff team to run your club for you, doing everything required to run a successful club
      • 1 night a week youth club with 1.5 hours of delivery to young people + setting up, tidying up and evaluation time
      • Happy to negotiate around delivery models

      3 x one day long holiday trips or 6 half day holiday activities cost an additional £3500.00 + vat


      All Youth clubs have free access to young leader training, places on the county wide Youth forum and opportunities to stand as Shropshire’s Members of Youth Parliament (MYP’s)


      • If money is given as a grant, meeting HMRC grant guidelines, VAT can be waived

      Call us: 01743 730005

      Privacy Policy