All About Youth


Do you know any young people living in Shropshire between 14 and 24 years old with a keen interest in health and wellbeing? They could be the next Young Health Champions!

As Young Health Champions they’ll meet new people, develop their current skills, and also learn new ones and, most importantly, have fun! The hours spent as a Champion can contribute towards the Duke of Edinburgh award and Champions also receive a certificate which shines on a CV. The best bit is they will contribute towards making positive changes towards good health in young people!

Some of our Young Health Champions have taken part in NHS health events and some have even sat on interview panels alongside health professionals.

The training takes two days, and we explore what health means to individuals, how we can improve health for ourselves and other young people and what affects our health. The training is always loads of fun and young people can develop their ideas into really exciting projects on whichever topic most interests them. Their project can be as long or short as they have time for!

For more information, please contact us

Call us: 01743 730005

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